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Yes on Measure E: Arts for Everyone, Doesn’t Raise Taxes

FEATURED on KTVU FOX News: CAST joins SF Mayor London Breed at a phone banking session in support of Prop E


CAST is proud to endorse ballot measure Proposition E Hotel Tax Allocations Initiative Ordinance.

Summary: Proposition E aims to secure arts funding to the Grants for the Arts and the SF Arts Commission. It will allocate a portion of the projected revenue increase of the Hotel Tax to fund development of cultural equity programs for underserved communities, arts programming, and funding for Cultural Districts and Cultural Centers in San Francisco – this November election, 2018.

* For informational purposes only; this is proponent information developed by the campaign coalition San Franciscans for the Arts; no opponent document/information has been developed.


Co-sponsored by:

Supervisor Aaron PeskinSupervisor Norman Yee
Supervisor Katy TangSupervisor Malia Cohen
Supervisor Rafael Mandelman

The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously in support of this measure and it has earned the endorsement of Mayor London Breed.


Key Highlights of the Measure:

Without raising taxes or taking funding away from other city services, Prop E would use some of the money from the economic boom to reinvest in the fabric of our communities and make the arts more accessible and affordable to ALL San Franciscans.

Prop E will ensure that our children have more access to the arts through programming and accessibility, encouraging their creativity and development.

Prop E will fund cultural equity programs for underserved communities through increasing funds for Cultural Equity Endowment fund, creating funding for Cultural Districts, and increasing funding for Cultural Centers.

The San Francisco Hotel Tax generates roughly $400 million each year, with an 8% base tax and a 6% surcharge tax. This ordinance would subject a portion (1.5%) of the growth of the 8% base tax to specific allocations, and the remaining 6.5% of the 8% base tax would continue to go into the General FundFor more details/FAQ on the Measure click hereFor a current list of endorsers click here.



Current Endorsements & Signatories of Ballot Arguments in Support of Prop E:

Mayor London BreedSupervisor Jane Kim
Supervisor Katy TangSupervisor Norman Yee
Supervisor Aaron PeskinFormer State Senator Tom Ammiano
State Senator Scott WienerThe Hotel Council of San Francisco
Assemblymember David ChiuChamber of Commerce’s Public Policy Committee
Assemblymember Phil TingThe San Francisco Labor Law & Legislative Committee
Board of Supervisors President Malia CohenAlice B Toklas LGBT Democratic Club
Supervisor Sandra Lee FewerUnited Educators of San Francisco
Supervisor Catherine StefaniAFT Local 2121
Supervisor Vallie BrownTheatrical Stage Employees Local 16

A broad coalition of artists and arts organizations have partnered with the City of San Francisco, including the Mayor’s office, on Prop E to restore the historical connection of arts and culture funding from the Hotel Tax.


This coalition includes*:

Actors’ Equity AssociationSan Francisco Ballet
Alonzo King Lines BalletSan Francisco Film Society
Asian Pacific Islander Cultural CenterSan Francisco Performances
American Conservatory TheaterSan Francisco Opera
Arts for a Better Bay Area (with community support/feedback)San Francisco Shakespeare
Calle 24 Latino Cultural DistrictSan Francisco Symphony
Chinese Cultural Center SFSFJAZZ
Compton’s Transgender Cultural DistrictSFMOMA
Contemporary Jewish MuseumSOMArts Cultural Center
ExploratoriumSOMA Pilipinas
Root DivisionTheatre Bay Area
Japantown Task ForceYerba Buena Center for the Arts

*This is a partial list.

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